CloudMakers.XYZ scenario evolution
In the past few years, CM developed a proprietary GIS database with a huge amount of data. This has led to further discussion about building a software layer to monetize this data and, at the same time, build new business models around this evolving project.
After establishing that CM has the data in a format accessible through a business logic library written in .NET, it is now the goal of the company to expose this dataset through a REST API, adding features as they become available.
API business is important, and it deserves the respect of any other software engineering application field; so, do not start with coding!

These are the main stakeholders of the CloudMakers API infrastructure. It is imperative to keep them in mind before designing the API representing a good strategy.
This is not rocket science, but some questions should be addressed before going forward:
Who are the consumers of the API?
Is the API a read-only API (for data consumption) or a read...