In this chapter, we have discovered quite a bit about Bootstrap's jQuery plugins but, most importantly, we put what we learned into practice. We now have an understanding of the structure of a plugin, from its JavaScript to its CSS and HTML.
Using what we learned, we extended the alert plugin, adding the ability to minimize and expand it together with a simple API. We then leveraged the modal plugin to extend the carousel plugin to surface larger versions of carousel images. Again, we achieved this through a simple API .
We put everything that we learned from building the alert and carousel plugin together to build our very own custom plugin, A11yHCM. A11yHCM dynamically loads CSS at the user's command. Putting this use case in the context of a visually impaired user, we were able to understand how useful a plugin like this might be.
In the following chapter, we will discover how to integrate some popular third-party plugins and libraries into Bootstrap to enhance the overall user experience...