Wallets and client software
As Ethereum is undergoing heavy development and evolution, there are many components, clients, and tools that have been developed and introduced over the last few years.
A wallet is a generic program that can store private keys and, based on the addresses stored within it, it can compute the existing balance of ether associated with the addresses by querying the blockchain. It can also be used to deploy smart contracts. In Chapter 10, Ethereum in Practice, we will introduce the MetaMask wallet, which has become the tool of choice for developers.
Having discussed the role of wallets within Ethereum, let’s now discuss some common clients.
This is the official Go implementation of the Ethereum client.
The latest version is available at the following link: https://geth.ethereum.org/downloads/.
There are other implementations, including C++ implementation Eth, and many others. A list is available here: https:...