Encrypting credentials in settings.xml
Maven keeps confidential data such as passwords in settings.xml
. For example, in the previous two sections, the passwords for the proxy server and the repository are kept in cleartext. The following configuration repeats the server configuration of a repository secured with HTTP Basic authentication:
<server> <id>central</id> <username>my_username</username> <password>my_password</password> </server>
More details about encrypting Maven passwords can be found at http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-encryption.html.
Keeping confidential data in configuration files in cleartext is a security threat that must be avoided. Maven provides a way to encrypt configuration data in settings.xml
, which is as follows:
First, we need to create a master encryption key by using the following command:
$ mvn -emp mymasterpassword {lJ1MrCQRnngHIpSadxoyEKyt2zIGbm3Yl0ClKdTtRR6TleNaEfGOEoJaxNcdMr+G}
With the output...