Meet the community
In this section, I want to introduce you to Michael Lund, also known as CpGuru. He is an eLearning designer and a Captivate expert located in Denmark. He is one of the key members of the worldwide Captivate community and specializes in the development of Captivate Widgets. Make sure you take a look at his blog and at his awesome collection of Widgets.
Michael Lund
Michael Lund, also known as CpGuru, has been a part of the Adobe Captivate community since Version 2 and started experimenting early on with pushing Captivate to the limit and expanding its functionality with custom Flash components. He is an active participant in the Adobe Captivate forums and a community champion on
He runs the website where he provides tips and tricks on common issues and problems with Adobe Captivate and tutorials on how to achieve more advanced things with Adobe Captivate.
The site also has a number of free and commercial Widgets for Adobe...