In this section, you will discover one additional built-in state available on buttons. This will help you apply the finishing touches to slide 11 using the following steps:
- Use the Filmstrip to go to slide 11 of the takeTheTrain.cptx file. Remember that this is the slide you use as the navigation slide of the Types of tickets sequence.
If you did not succeed in creating the button of slide 11 as described in the previous section, you will find a copy of the finished slide in the Chapter05/slide11.cptx file. Simply copy and paste that slide as slide 11 of your takeTheTrain.cptx project. When doing so, make sure to apply the correct Master Slide to the newly imported slide. Also make sure to correct the action to the three buttons. Refer to the Branching with Buttons section earlier in this chapter for precise instructions.
- Select theĀ Using Standard Ticket button (remember that if the object is a rectangle shape, the image is the fill of the rectangle...