Now let'sĀ focus on the Recording: Settings category of the Preferences dialog:
- Open the Recording: Settings category by clicking Settings under the Recording category in the left pane of the Preferences dialog
The first available option at the top of the recording settings preference pane is the Generate Captions In: drop-down list. Use it to choose the language used by Captivate to generate the various types of captions:
Other options available on this pane include the following:
- When the Actions in Real Time checkbox is selected, the recording is played back at the same speed as the actions performed during the recording.
- The Camera Sounds check box is used to turn the camera shutter sound on or off during the recording. Make sure this option is selected.
- The Keystrokes and Hear Keyboard Tap Sounds options are responsible for recording the keystrokes and for the keystroke's sound during filming. It is best to leave these options selected...