FMC’s architecture
Figure 15.9 shows FMC’s architecture. This figure highlights the separation of CPs and UPs, or the concept of CUPS. This helps to improve manageability for providers.
Figure 15.9 – FMC's architecture
The architecture shown in Figure 15.9 supports the centralization of the Control Plane (CP) and the use of cloud infrastructure for scaling. This architecture allows a distributed User Plane (UP). Overall, CUPS enables the use of both virtualized and physical infrastructure for CP and UP functionality. It also gives us the flexibility to independently deploy and maintain the CP and UP functions, often referred to as CPFs and UPFs, respectively. This composability allows flexibility in the upgrading of the hardware and software infrastructure and loosely couples the CP and UP.
The Broadband Forum’s specification TR-459 provides details on how to separate the UPFs and CPFs. It describes three interfaces...