Part 4: Advanced Topics
The last part is dedicated to tasks that may be called advanced but can also be performed by intermediate users. A special case is troubleshooting, which is more of an intermediate task, but as it is logically related to system maintenance, I’ve put it in Chapter 14. So, don’t consider the topics here hard. Instead, as they are again structured and with examples, keep on reading. It is exciting.
We start here with processes and daemons, two of the main building blocks of any computer system. We then cover services and systemd as, for Manjaro and most current desktop distributions, this is how we manage tens of functionalities. Our next stop will be system logs – the best place to learn what happened on our system. Chapter 13 ends with an explanation of user and group management, ownership, and root privileges.
Manjaro is a high-performing and optimized distribution with excellent efficiency. Even still, maintenance is a topic to consider...