The installation itself
This section has the following subsections:
- Pure installation
- GParted and partition management
- Manual installation for EFI-based computers (for advanced users)
- Manual installation for BIOS-based computers (for advanced users)
- Installation on a virtual machine
- Installation in parallel with Windows (also known as Dual Boot)
- Installation on ARM platforms
The first part, Pure installation, describes the full Calamares GUI Installer options and explains installation basics. It is necessary for everyone and assumes one of the following cases:
- you install Manjaro on a clean machine without any other OS
- or you have Windows installed and want to install Manjaro alongside. In this case, just read it and then perform the actions from the sixth section about Dual Boot. Return to the first if necessary.
The second section provides hints for manual partitioning in advance (before starting the installer) and is essential...