Creating a cracked detail brush
Our next brush will make drawing ruins, rubble, and general scenes of devastation easier.
Getting ready
To start off, open a new blank canvas of at least 300 dpi resolution. We will use this canvas to draw our new brush tip shape in order to make our cracks. Make sure that Basic expression color is set to Gray and not Color. Refer to the screenshot given here to know where to change this option while creating your new canvas:

How to do it…
These steps will walk you through the rest of the brush creation process:
With your new canvas open, navigate to View | Grid to turn on the grid lines.
Find the grid line that runs down the center of the canvas vertically.
Use this center line as a guide for the cracks, but do not follow it exactly! Make the cracks branch off and go away from the center. This creates a more convincing effect. Check out the following screenshot, and note that the crack pattern touches the center line at the top and bottom of the canvas:
Once you...