As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
A5/1 256
access tokens manipulation 106
impersonation 117
local administrator 111, 112
practical examples 113-117
SeDebugPrivilege 112
Windows tokens 106-110
Active Directory (AD) networks 189
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 349
advanced evasion techniques 189
bypassing EDR 195
direct syscalls 193
syscall ID 190
syscalls 190
userland hooking 192
advanced math algorithms, in malware
A5/1 256
exploring 256
Madryga algorithm 257
practical example 257-260
Skipjack 257
tiny encryption algorithm (TEA) 256
advanced persistent threats (APTs) 123, 291
characteristics 293, 294
current landscape and future challenges 293
examples 295, 296
history 292
Operation Aurora attacks 292
rise, of nation-state APTs 292