Hunting for persistence: exploring non-trivial loopholes
There are many other interesting methods of persistence in the victim’s system, and many of them are unusual and dangerous. Here, we will look at one of these methods and show proof of concept code.
We will consider one of the interesting persistence methods: Hijacking uninstall logic for application.
When an application is installed on a Windows operating system, it typically includes its own uninstaller. The registry keys contain the information:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\<application name>
This exists too:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\QuietUninstallString\<application name>
What is the method or technique being referred to? There are no issues associated with substituting them with commands capable of executing alternative programs. Upon the execution of the uninstaller by the user, the command designated by the attacker is then executed. Once...