Chapter 7. Mahara Extensions
Mahara is modular, and has been written so that its functionality isn't confined to the core code. Developers are able to contribute plugins that extend the main functionality of Mahara.
In this chapter, you will have a look at the parts of Mahara that can be extended and be introduced to some of the extensions that are currently available.
Since they are extensions and don't come packaged with the default Mahara download, you may not have them installed in your own Mahara site. In this chapter, you will be using to work through demonstrations of the extensions as it is already configured to use them.
In this chapter you will:
Look at which features can be extended in Mahara and which extensions are currently available
Continuing professional development
Look at the My Learning artefact
Look in detail at the Embedly block type
Look at the social sharing block types (Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn)
See how to embed a LinkedIn profile in a page