Writing in your journal
Have you ever kept a handwritten diary or created a blog? In this section, you are going to learn how to do something similar by creating a journal in Mahara and by writing journal entries. You are not going to publish these journal entries yet, that will come later.
What is a journal in Mahara?
In the past, the journals in Mahara were referred to as blogs, which I am sure many of you are familiar with as a term. It seemed like a good match given that blogs are widely considered to be a form of online diary.
In fact, the word blog derives from the combined words web and log , for example:
web + log = weblog
Think of a log as in:
"Captain's Log, Stardate 43198.7. The Enterprise remains in standard orbit ....".
Whilst this is essentially exactly what the Mahara journal feature is — an online log of your thoughts over time, the term blog has also come to be associated with self-promotion, marketing, and communication.
The term journal fits much better within the world of...