Time for action — creating institution staff and institution administrators
Let's look at how you can turn standard members into institution staff and institution administrators:
1. To begin, click on the Institution staff submenu option in the Manage institutions section.
2. On this screen, you will see all the members who can potentially become staff in your institution as well as those who are already staff members. To create a new staff member, first click on the user that you would like to make staff. Then, click on the right facing arrow. Alternatively, you could just double-click on the user's name:
3. Then, you will see that user's name appears on the right hand side under the label Institution staff:
4. You can also manage your administrators in the same way, using the Institution administrators submenu tab.
What just happened?
You have just seen how you can assign roles in your institution.
You looked at how to turn a user into a staff member in the institution. Remember, an institution...