In the first part of this chapter, you looked at institutions in Mahara. You found out some of the things that an institution administrator can do when managing an institution. This included adding new members, managing members, and choosing some institution settings. You also learned how to change the role of your members, including turning a standard member into a staff member.
In the second part of the chapter, you learned what a staff member is able to do. You also saw how you can create controlled groups and what these are. You also saw how a staff member can allow course roles in their group and what these are. You learned about the tutor role, which allowed you to see how Mahara can be used to develop an assessment process, with pages being submitted to group tutors and group administrators for marking before they are released back to learners.
While you saw that Mahara can be used to assess and feedback on learners work with your tutors' hats on, we pointed out that Mahara...