Chapter 1. Magento Fundamentals
Magento is a highly customizable e-commerce platform and content management system. Magento is one of the most used e-commerce systems to create online stores around the world by providing management of inventory, orders, customers, payments, and much more. It has a powerful scalable architecture.
Are you ready to start on the world of Magento development?
First of all, we will need to set up our environment. In this book, we will cover how to set up a local environment. It is very important to have this local ecosystem development to work smoothly and in an agile way.
In every chapter of this book, we will work with a mini project. It's kind of a sprint to learn the path. In this chapter, our mission is to create a work environment and understand the basic concepts of Magento (
After setting up the environment, you'll study the Magento folder structure and work on a basic Model View Controller (MVC) software architecture pattern and Magento basic setup.
Basically, we will work on this chapter with the following topics:
- XAMPP PHP development environment
- Magento e-commerce system
- Magento system structure
- Magento basic setup
Are you ready for fun some? Let's go!