What this book covers
Chapter 1, Introduction to Streaming Data, explains what streaming data is and why it is different from batch data. This chapter also explains the challenges that we should expect to encounter as well as the advantages of using streaming data.
Chapter 2, Architectures for Streaming and Real-Time Machine Learning, describes various architectures that can be used to set up streaming, and how they can be utilized.
Chapter 3, Data Analysis on Streaming Data, explores data analysis on streaming data, which includes real-time insights, real-time descriptive statistics, real-time visualizations, and basic alerting systems.
Chapter 4, Online Learning with River, covers the core concepts of online learning and also introduces you to the River library, which is a fundamental part of streaming.
Chapter 5, Online Anomaly Detection, covers online anomaly detection, explains how it is useful, and also provides a use case that involves building a program for detecting anomalies in streaming data.
Chapter 6, Online Classification, covers online classification, explains how it is useful, and also provides a use case that involves building a program for classifying streaming data.
Chapter 7, Online Regression, covers online regression, how it is useful, and also provides a use case that involves building a program for detecting regression in streaming data.
Chapter 8, Reinforcement Learning, introduces you to reinforcement learning. We will explore some of the key algorithms and also explore some use cases for it using Python.
Chapter 9, Drift and Drift Detection, focuses on helping us understand drift in online learning and learning how to build solutions to detect drift.
Chapter 10, Feature Transformation and Scaling, shows us how to build a feature transformation pipeline that works with real-time and streaming data.
Chapter 11, Catastrophic Forgetting, explores what catastrophic forgetting is, and shows us how we can deal with it using example use cases.
Chapter 12, Conclusion and Best Practices, acts as a review of the book and combines all the concepts explored throughout the book for us to revise and revisit as needed.