There is something we can do in a mobile reminders app that would never work in a pen and paper version; we can present the list of reminders based on where you are at the time that you check! To make use of the location, you need to know where are you now, and how far that is from the place associated with the reminder.
At the time of writing, there is no ability in LiveCode to pull in a map in order for you to choose locations other than the one you are at right now. So, we'll work within that limitation, given that there's no choice!
The general technique when reading mobile device sensors is to start tracking a given sensor, detect when changes happen, and to stop tracking the sensor. You can take a reading from the sensor at any time between the start and stop tracking commands. You can also specify how detailed a report you want, and whether you want a precise reading. The precision for location would dictate whether GPS was used or not. The advantage of using GPS is that you...