Configuring access to NFS storage
Like your iSCSI storage, NFS storage is also network attached and can easily be made a member of your data center infrastructure leveraging its current TCP/IP network. Unlike, iSCSI, NFS is not a block storage, meaning NFS runs and maintains its own file system. Hence, ESXi cannot format and form a new file system on the volumes presented to it from an NFS array. Instead, the NFS volumes, or rightly called exports, are just mount points on an ESXi host, to remote shares on an NFS storage array.
This section of the chapter will cover the procedures involved in configuring access to NFS shares on an NFS Storage.
What do we need?
The prerequisites needed for this task are:
We need access to the network segment the NFS storage is on. Hence, the ESXi host will need a Vmkernel interface in the same subnet as the NFS storage. To learn how to create a Vmkernel interface, refer to Chapter 4, vSphere Networking Concepts and Management.
NFS shares should have the