Priority of component execution
The order of the execution of the components will depend on another property for each component. The priority
property should be set using integer values. Lower values as higher priorities. The default value of the property is 5. The components with the same priority are executed at almost the same time and they are executed in an arbitrary order, but during the same routine. If a different and higher priority is set for a component, it will only be executed after the ones with a lower priority are executed. Each similar priority will correspond to a cycle, where it will start with the execution of the components, and will end after the last component that has the same priority finishes.
Inside a dashboard, to change the order of execution of the components, you just need to change the priority
property and set another value.
Let's look at the following example where we have five components:
Components 1 and 2: priority 5
Components 3: priority 10
Components 4...