Checking compatibility with Johnny-Five
It's easy to find a lot of different devices online, but how do you know what will work with Johnny-Five? and will it work on Johnny-Five for your particular board?
Luckily, the Johnny-Five website at can easily tell you this, and you just need to follow a few steps in order to determine what type of device you are looking at.
First, let's take a look at the website at There are several tabs, but for now, we're looking for the Platform Support tab:

Once you are on the Platform Support page, look for the board you're using. If you're using Arduino Uno, your search should be short—it's at the top of the page!

The Platform Support page entry for Arduino Uno
As you can see, there's a table for compatibility with each board entry. If you're not using an Arduino Uno, quickly check whether or not your board has I2C compatibility before buying or trying to use an I2C character LCD.