Kibana 4 features
Some of the unique features in Kibana 4 are as follows:
Search highlights
Search terms are highlighted in the list of documents shown after the search:

Search highlight in Kibana 4
Elasticsearch aggregations
Kibana 4 makes extensive use of Elasticsearch aggregations and sub aggregations to provide more than one aggregation for visualizations. There are mainly two types of aggregations—Bucketing and Metrics. Bucketing produces a list of buckets, each one with a set of documents belonging to it, for example, terms, range, histograms, and so on. Metrics calculate the compute metrics for a set of documents, for example, min, max, sum, average, and so on. These types of computations can only be done on numeric type of fields.
Scripted fields
Scripted fields are used to make computations on the fly on indexed data. For example, for a certain field you always want to multiply by 100
before you show it. You can save it as a scripted field. Scripted fields, though, can't be searched.