Chapter 1
- Red/System is the part of Red needed to do lower-level programming like C.
- A full-stack language is a language that can be used on the whole spectrum of programming, from systems level to high-level language construction. Red together with Red/System is able to do that.
- Red and LISP both have the block (or list) as its basic structure, for code as well as for data.
1) Red has a very small tool-chain, with no installation and configuration
2) The size of its executables is around 1 Mb
3) The reduced size of its source files.
- A dialect is a specialized high-level language written in Red. Examples: parse, view, Red/C3
- Red is compiled to native code, while REBOL is always interpreted.
- Red runs in Windows, Linux, Android, OS X and FreeBSD environments in a 32 bit version, also on ARMv5 processors.
Chapter 2