Creating a Waterfall Using Mantaflow
If you have ever worked on creating a realistic liquid simulation, you will know how frustrating it can be. 95% of your time is spent waiting for the simulation to finish baking, then when you finally get to rendering, you find out there is a problem with the simulation. Now, you are back to square one and have to restart the whole process. The goal of this chapter is to help you understand the process of creating a realistic waterfall in Blender using Mantaflow. You will also get an idea of which settings to use for your own simulations so that you don’t have to spend hours (even days) testing out settings and figuring out what to do.
We will first start out by adding a domain, creating Flow and Effector objects, and adding Foam particles. Then, we will create realistic water material and learn how to add “fake” motion blur to fluid.
Here are the topics we will cover in this chapter:
- Setting up the simulation ...