The biggest power of cloud computing is the seamless possibility to scale your workloads in seconds, without the need to provision new hardware. Any time you need more power for your applications, you can either add a VM to the workload or scale it up so that it gets better hardware. In this section, you will learn how easy it is to perform such actions and manage your machines.
To get started, you will need a VM deployed in your subscription. To create a new one, please reference the Adding data disks section of this chapter. The feature described in this section works for both Windows and Linux machines, so do not worry and select whichever you prefer to work with.
Scaling up an instance is as easy as running a single command. Here, you can find an example of scaling a VM with the Azure CLI:
$ az vm resize --size Standard_DS2_V2 --resource-group "<resource-group-name>" --name "<vm-name>"
The preceding command takes...