Leaflet with Python and CherryPy
The Python programming language is extremely powerful and has a large number of standard libraries and other third-party libraries. It is also fairly easy to pick up for simple tasks. There is extensive documentation, and a large number of books and different libraries are available on the language. You can download Python from the Python website at https://www.python.org/downloads/. Version 3 is the latest; however, Version 2.7 is still in use. It is probably best to start learning with Version 3, but if you have v2.7, it will work with the examples.
In this example, you will use the CherryPy library. You can download the library at http://www.cherrypy.org/.
For more books on CherryPy and Python web development, visit http://www.packtpub.com/CherryPy/book or http://www.packtpub.com/python-3-web-development-beginners-guide/book.
CherryPy is a smaller web framework compared to Django or Pyramid—formerly Pylons. For this example, it will allow you to get up...