Render event handling
One of the things you grow to appreciate as your experience grows is the ability to do event handling. I have not needed this functionality yet with Knockout code in the live sites we have built; but it is awesome to know it is there if we do need it.
We will be using the following code this time. We will use a different data set for this example to keep our code simpler and focus on just this section:
<script> var ViewModel = function(){ seasons = ko.observableArray([ { name: 'Spring', months: [ 'March', 'April', 'May' ] }, { name: 'Summer', months: [ 'June', 'July', 'August' ] }, { name: 'Autumn', months: [ 'September', 'October', 'November' ] }, { name: 'Winter', months: [ 'December', 'January', 'February' ] } ]); showRendered = function(e){ $(e).wrapInner("<em style='color:green'></em>"); }; }; vm = new ViewModel(); ko.applyBindings(vm); </script>