Using jQuery Mobile utilities
Now that we've covered jQuery Mobile configuration, let's take a look at the utilities available to your applications. These are utilities provided by the framework, and they can be used in any application. You may not need them all (or any) on your website, but knowing they are there can help save time in the future.
Page methods and utilities
Let's begin looking at methods and utilities related to pages and the navigation between them. jQuery Mobile uses the concept of a page container to reference not one page or the current page, but the place where all the pages are loaded dynamically. In the current version of jQuery Mobile, there is one page container at any time, but in the future, this may change. Let's look at these methods and utilities related to the page container:
change(to, op
: This method is used to change to another page. The first argument,to
, can be either a string (the URL) or a jQuery DOM object. Theoptions