What's possible for designs?
The first reaction many developers have when they first use jQuery Mobile is awe at how easy it is to implement a rich, compelling mobile website for their users. The ease with which it converts plain HTML to beautiful, usable buttons, listviews, and form elements is a dream. The jQuery Mobile team shipped well-designed and attractive themes and commonly used icons along with the rest of the package. They even built a tool that allows developers to build out their own themes—ThemeRoller (http://themeroller.jquerymobile.com).
After working with jQuery Mobile for a time, some developers might ask, "What else can I do with this?", just like the muscle cars from the 60's and 70's. It wasn't enough that they were already awesome; the tweakers and the gearheads wanted to do more. If you identify with that mentality, then this chapter is for you.
The wonderful thing about jQuery Mobile is that it's just HTML. For this reason...