Chapter 7. Welcoming Your Visitors – Creating Attractive Home Pages and Overview Pages
In the previous chapters, you laid the groundwork for your site. You created content containers (categories and subcategories), and then you created the actual content (articles). You've now got a bunch of neatly organized, attractive articles ready to be explored by the web surfing audience. However, how can you entice those casual web surfers to actually read all that valuable content? Why would they bother to drill down into the content of your site?
That's where the home page and overview pages come in. The home page lures your visitors in. Joomla's overview pages, which are second level home pages that provide a quick overview of category contents, direct people to the articles they could be interested in.
In this chapter, we will learn the following topics:
- Customizing the home page settings
- Creating a different kind of home page
- Creating and tweaking the overview...