JWM Summary section
The Summary section is our first unique JWM feature to discuss. However, it can be seen as a compilation of existing functionality placed together to provide helpful insight into your project, and if you have previously used dashboards in Jira, this probably has a similar feel to you. As mentioned previously, we will further explore dashboards in our next chapter, Chapter 6, Forms, Issues, Dashboards, and Reports.
As you might guess, the Summary section is intended to give you a quick overview of what's happening with your project. The 30,000-feet-view cliché is a good one to apply here. The feature is broken into two sections: Activity and Statistics. Each is presented as a link and a tab-like format directly under the summary name.
If you have added a description to your project, it will appear between the Activity and Statistics links and the activity feed. Project lead and project key information is presented to the right, parallel to the project...