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JavaScript Mobile Application Development

You're reading from  JavaScript Mobile Application Development

Product type Book
Published in Oct 2014
ISBN-13 9781783554171
Pages 332 pages
Edition 1st Edition

Table of Contents (15) Chapters close

JavaScript Mobile Application Development
About the Author
About the Reviewers
1. An Introduction to Apache Cordova 2. Developing Your First Cordova Application 3. Apache Cordova Development Tools 4. Cordova API in Action 5. Diving Deeper into the Cordova API 6. Developing Custom Cordova Plugins 7. Unit Testing the Cordova App's Logic 8. Applying it All – the Mega App Index



  • Accelerometer API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • AccelerometerManager
    • about / API
    • startWatchAcceleration(callback) method / API
    • stopWatchAcceleration(watchID) method / API
  • accelerometerManager.startWatchAcceleration (callback) function
    • about / View controller
  • accelerometer plugin, Cordova Exhibition app
    • about / Accelerometer
    • using / Accelerometer
    • demo / Demo
    • HTML page / The HTML page
    • view controller / View controller
    • API / API
  • ADT Bundle
    • about / Configuring Android development environment
    • download link / Configuring Android development environment
    • downloading / Configuring Android development environment
  • Android code, custom Cordova plugin
    • developing / Developing Android code
  • Android development environment
    • installing / Configuring Android development environment
    • configuring / Configuring Android development environment
    • existing Eclipse IDE, extending / Extending your existing Eclipse IDE
    • Android Virtual Device, creating / Creating an Android Virtual Device
    • Sound Recorder application, importing in Eclipse / Importing the Sound Recorder application in to Eclipse
    • Sound Recorder application, running on Android device / Running the Sound Recorder application on a real Android device
  • Android SDK tools
    • download link / Extending your existing Eclipse IDE
  • Apache Ant
    • URL / Installing Apache Cordova
  • Apache Cordova
    • about / What is Apache Cordova?
    • supported mobile platforms / What is Apache Cordova?
    • URL, for official API documentation / What is Apache Cordova?
    • features / Why you should use Cordova
    • architecture / Cordova architecture
  • App source code
    • reference link / Start contributing to Mega App
  • architecture, Cordova
    • about / Cordova architecture
  • asynchronous code tests
    • developing / Developing asynchronous code tests
  • AVD
    • about / Creating an Android Virtual Device
    • creating / Creating an Android Virtual Device


  • beep(times) method
    • about / API
  • Behavior-driven development (BDD) / What is Jasmine
  • bindEvents() method
    • about / An insight into the www files


  • <config-file> element
    • target attribute / Plugin definition
    • parent attribute / Plugin definition
  • Camera API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • CameraManager
    • about / API
  • cameraOptions parameter
    • about / API
    • quality attribute / API
    • destinationType attribute / API
    • sourceType attribute / API
    • correctOrientation attribute / API
    • allowEdit attribute / API
    • cameraDirection attribute / API
    • encodingType attribute / API
    • mediaType attribute / API
    • popoverOptions attribute / API
    • saveToPhotoAlbum attribute / API
    • targetWidth attribute / API
    • targetHeight attribute / API
  • camera plugin, Cordova Exhibition app
    • about / Camera
    • demo / Demo
    • HTML page / The HTML page
    • view controller / View controller
    • API / API
  • Capture API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • captureAudio() method
    • captureSuccess parameter / API
    • captureError parameter / API
    • options parameter / API
  • capture plugin, Cordova Exhibition plugin
    • about / Media, file, and capture
    • demo / Demo
  • captureSuccess attributes, captureAudio() method
    • name / API
    • type / API
    • lastModifiedDate / API
    • size / API
  • Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) / The Cordova Exhibition app structure, An overview of the weather application
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) / What is Apache Cordova?
  • Certificate Signing Request (CSR) / Running the Sound Recorder application on a real iOS device
  • CI tools
    • Karma tests, integrating with / Integrating tests with the CI tools
  • cleanUpResources()method / The Mega App model and API
  • Command-line Interface (CLI) / The Cordova Exhibition app structure
  • Compass API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • CompassManager
    • about / API
    • startWatchHeading(callback method / API
    • stopWatchHeading(watchID) method / API
  • compassManager.startWatchHeading(callback)
    • onSuccess / View controller
    • onError / View controller
  • compassManager.startWatchHeading(callback) function
    • about / View controller
  • compassOptions object
    • frequency attribute / API
    • filter attribute / API
  • compass plugin, Cordova Exhibition app
    • about / Compass
    • demo / Demo
    • HTML page / The HTML page
    • view controller / View controller
    • API / API
  • config.xml directory, Sound Recorder
    • about / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • <widget> element / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • <name> element / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • <description> element / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • <author> element / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • <content> element / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • <access> element / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • <preference> element / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
  • configuration attributes, Karma
    • basePath / Karma configuration
    • frameworks / Karma configuration
    • files / Karma configuration
    • exclude / Karma configuration
    • preprocessors / Karma configuration
    • reporters / Karma configuration
    • port / Karma configuration
    • colors / Karma configuration
    • logLevel / Karma configuration
    • autoWatch / Karma configuration
    • browsers / Karma configuration
    • singleRun / Karma configuration
  • Connection API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • ConnectionManager
    • about / API
  • connection plugin, Cordova Exhibition app
    • about / Connection
    • demo / Demo
    • HTML page / The HTML page
    • view controller / View controller
    • API / API
  • ContactAddress object
    • type attribute / API
    • pref attribute / API
    • formatted attribute / API
    • streetAddress attribute / API
    • locality attribute / API
    • region attribute / API
    • postalCode attribute / API
    • country attribute / API
  • contactDetails.js / View controller
  • ContactField object
    • type attribute / API
    • value attribute / API
    • pref attribute / API
  • contactFields parameter
    • id attribute / API
    • displayName attribute / API
    • name attribute / API
    • nickname attribute / API
    • phoneNumbers attribute / API
    • Emails attribute / API
    • addresses attribute / API
    • ims attribute / API
    • organizations attribute / API
    • birthday attribute / API
    • note attribute / API
    • photos attribute / API
    • categories attribute / API
    • urls attribute / API
  • contactFindOptions parameter
    • filter attribute / API
    • multiple attribute / API
  • ContactName object
    • formatted attribute / API
    • familyName attribute / API
    • givenName attribute / API
    • middleName attribute / API
    • honorificPrefix attribute / API
    • honorificSuffix attribute / API
  • ContactOrganization object
    • type attribute / API
    • pref attribute / API
    • name attribute / API
    • department attribute / API
    • title attribute / API
  • Contacts API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • ContactsManager
    • about / API
  • contacts plugin, Cordova Exhibition app
    • about / Contacts
    • demo / Demo
    • HTML page / The HTML page
    • view controller / View controller
    • API / API
  • Coordinates object
    • about / API
    • latitude attribute / API
    • longitude attribute / API
    • altitude attribute / API
    • accuracy attribute / API
    • altitudeAccuracy attribute / API
    • heading attribute / API
  • cordova.exec() API / Defining the plugin's JavaScript interface
    • successCallback parameter / Defining the plugin's JavaScript interface
    • errorCallback parameter / Defining the plugin's JavaScript interface
    • [args] parameter / Defining the plugin's JavaScript interface
  • Cordova APIs
    • overview / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Accelerometer / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Camera / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Capture / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Compass / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Connection / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Contacts / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Device / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Events / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • File / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Geolocation / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Globalization / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • InAppBrowser / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Media / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Notification / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Splashscreen / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • Storage / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • Cordova Capture
    • reference link / API
  • Cordova CLI
    • about / An introduction to Cordova CLI
    • prerequisites / Installing Apache Cordova
    • installing / Installing Apache Cordova
  • cordova create command / Generating our Sound Recorder's initial code
  • Cordova events
    • Deviceready / Cordova events
    • Pause / Cordova events
    • Resume / Cordova events
    • Online / Cordova events
    • offline / Cordova events
    • backbutton / Cordova events
    • batterycritical / Cordova events
    • batterylow / Cordova events
    • batterystatus / Cordova events
    • menubutton / Cordova events
    • searchbutton / Cordova events
    • startcallbutton / Cordova events
    • endcallbutton / Cordova events
    • volumeupbutton / Cordova events
    • volumedownbutton / Cordova events
  • Cordova Exhibition app
    • about / Exploring the Cordova Exhibition app
    • exploring / Exploring the Cordova Exhibition app
    • structure / The Cordova Exhibition app structure
    • reference link / The Cordova Exhibition app structure
    • accelerometer plugin / Accelerometer
    • camera plugin / Camera
    • compass plugin / Compass
    • connection plugin / Connection
    • contacts plugin / Contacts
    • device plugin / Device
    • Geolocation plugin / Geolocation
    • globalization plugin / Globalization
    • InAppBrowser plugin / InAppBrowser
    • media plugin / Media, file, and capture
    • capture plugin / Media, file, and capture
    • file plugin / Media, file, and capture
    • notification plugin / Notification
    • finalizing / Finalizing the Cordova Exhibition app
    • life cycle events / Cordova events
  • cordova platform add commands / The Cordova Exhibition app structure
  • cordova plugin add command / The Cordova Exhibition app structure
  • custom Cordova plugin
    • developing / Developing a custom Cordova plugin
    • sms.sendMessage method, calling / Developing a custom Cordova plugin
    • plugman, using / Using plugman
    • plugin definition / Plugin definition
    • plugin's JavaScript interface, defining / Defining the plugin's JavaScript interface
    • Android code, developing / Developing Android code
    • iOS code, developing / Developing iOS code
    • Windows Phone 8 code, developing / Developing Windows Phone 8 code
    • publishing, to Cordova registry / Publishing our plugin to Cordova Registry
    • testing / Testing our Cordova plugin


  • deleteAllMemos() function / The Mega App user interface
  • Device API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • DeviceManager object
    • about / API
    • model attribute / API
    • cordova attribute / API
    • platform attribute / API
    • uuid attribute / API
    • version attribute / API
  • device plugin, Cordova Exhibition app
    • HTML page / The HTML page
    • view controller / View controller, View controller
    • API / API, API
    • about / Device
    • demo / Demo
  • directoryEntry.getDirectory method
    • path parameter / API
    • options parameter / API
    • successCallback parameter / API
    • errorCallback parameter / API


  • Eclipse
    • Sound Recorder application, importing in / Importing the Sound Recorder application in to Eclipse
  • errorLabelContainer
    • about / View controller
  • Events API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • deviceready event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • pause event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • resume event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • online event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • offline event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • backbutton event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • batterycritical event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • batterylow event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • batterystatus event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • menubutton event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • searchbutton event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • startcallbutton event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • endcallbutton event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • volumeupbutton event / Overview of Cordova APIs
    • volumedownbutton event / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • execute() method
    • String action parameter / Developing Android code
    • JSONArray args parameter / Developing Android code
    • CallbackContext callbackContext parameter / Developing Android code
    • about / Developing Android code


  • File API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • fileEntry.copyTo method
    • parent parameter / API
    • newName parameter / API
    • successCallback parameter / API
    • errorCallback parameter / API
  • fileManager.copyFileToDirectory() method
    • dirPath parameter / The Mega App model and API
    • filePath parameter / The Mega App model and API
    • enforceUniqueName parameter / The Mega App model and API
    • fileCallback parameter / The Mega App model and API
  • FileManager.js
    • about / API
  • file plugin, Cordova Exhibition plugin
    • about / Media, file, and capture
    • demo / Demo


  • Geolocation API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • GeolocationManager
    • about / API
  • geolocationManager.getCurrentPosition(callback) method
    • about / View controller
    • onSuccess(position) / View controller
    • onError(error) / View controller
  • geolocationOptions object
    • about / API
    • enableHighAccuracy attribute / API
    • timeout attribute / API
    • maximumAge attribute / API
  • Geolocation plugin, Cordova Exhibition app
    • about / Geolocation
    • demo / Demo
    • HTML page / The HTML page
    • view controller / View controller
    • API / API
  • getCurrentConnection() method
    • about / API
  • getPhoto(fromGallery) method
    • about / View controller
    • callback object / View controller
    • onSuccess, callback object / View controller
    • onError, callback object / View controller
    • fromGallery parameter / View controller
  • getPicture(callback, fromGallery) function
    • about / API
  • getWeatherInfo() method
    • about / An overview of the weather application
    • $( / An overview of the weather application
    • successCallback parameter / An overview of the weather application
    • errorCallback parameter / An overview of the weather application
  • GitHub repositories
    • reference links / What is Apache Cordova?
  • Globalization API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • globalizationManager.getLocaleName(callback) method
    • about / View controller
    • handleLocaleSuccess(locale) method / View controller
    • handleLocaleError() method / View controller
  • globalizationManager.getPreferredLanguage(callback) method
    • about / View controller
    • handleLangSuccess(language) / View controller
    • handleLangError() / View controller
  • globalization plugin, Cordova Exhibition app
    • about / Globalization
    • demo / Demo
    • HTML page / The HTML page
    • view controller / View controller
    • API / API
  • Global Positioning System (GPS) / Geolocation


  • handlePlayError(error) method
    • about / View controller
  • handlePlaySuccess() method
    • about / View controller
  • handleRecordError(error) method
    • about / View controller
  • handleRecordSuccess(filePath) method
    • about / View controller
  • handleRecordSuccess function
    • about / Recording and playing the audio files back
  • heading object
    • magneticHeading attribute / API
    • trueHeading attribute / API
    • headingAccuracy attribute / API
    • timestamp attribute / API
  • hooks directory, Sound Recorder
    • about / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
  • HTML page, accelerometer plugin
    • about / The HTML page
  • hybrid mobile application
    • comparing, with mobile web and native mobile applications / The differences between mobile web, hybrid mobile, and native mobile applications
  • HyperText Markup Language (HTML) / What is Apache Cordova?


  • InAppBrowser API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • InAppBrowserManager
    • about / API
    • openWindow(url) method / API
    • method / API
    • closeWindow(windowRef)method / API
  • InAppBrowser plugin, Cordova Exhibition app
    • about / InAppBrowser
    • demo / Demo
    • HTML page / The HTML page
    • view controller / View controller
    • API / API
  • index.html file, weather application
    • about / An overview of the weather application
    / An overview of the weather application
  • index.html page, www directory
    • about / An insight into the www files
  • initialize() method
    • about / An insight into the www files
  • initPage() method
    • about / View controller
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) / Why you should use Cordova
  • iOS app's Sandbox directory, Mega App
    • Documents / The Mega App architecture
    • Library / The Mega App architecture
    • tmp / The Mega App architecture
  • iOS code, custom Cordova plugin
    • developing / Developing iOS code
  • iOS developer program
    • URL / Running the Sound Recorder application on a real iOS device
  • iOS development environment
    • configuring / Configuring iOS development environment
    • prerequisites / Configuring iOS development environment
    • Sound Recorder application, importing in Xcode / Importing the Sound Recorder application into Xcode
    • Sound Recorder application, running on iOS device / Running the Sound Recorder application on a real iOS device


  • Jasmine
    • about / What is Jasmine
    • configuring / Configuring Jasmine
    • download link / Configuring Jasmine
    • test, writing / Writing your first Jasmine test
    • matchers / Jasmine Matchers
    • Cordova app tests, developing / Jasmine in action – developing Cordova app tests
    • tests, automating with Karma / Automating tests using Karma
    • Karma, using with / Automating tests using Karma
  • Jasmine 2.0 custom matcher documentation page
    • URL / Jasmine Matchers
  • Jasmine implementation
    • about / Jasmine in action – developing Cordova app tests
    • weather application / An overview of the weather application
    • synchronous code tests, developing / Developing synchronous code tests
    • asynchronous code tests, developing / Developing asynchronous code tests
    • tests, executing manually / Manually executing tests
  • Jasmine matchers
    • toBe matcher / Jasmine Matchers
    • toBeDefined matcher / Jasmine Matchers
    • toBeUndefined matcher / Jasmine Matchers
    • toBeNull matcher / Jasmine Matchers
    • toBeTruthy matcher / Jasmine Matchers
    • toBeFalsy matcher / Jasmine Matchers
    • toContain matcher / Jasmine Matchers
    • toBeLessThan matcher / Jasmine Matchers
    • toBeGreaterThan matcher / Jasmine Matchers
    • toMatch matcher / Jasmine Matchers
  • Jasmine tests
    • running on mobile device, Karma used / Running tests (on mobile devices)
  • JDK
    • about / Configuring Android development environment
  • JDK 6
    • URL / Configuring Android development environment
  • JDK 7
    • URL / Configuring Android development environment
  • Jenkins
    • Karma tests, integrating with / Integrating tests with the CI tools
  • jQuery deferred object by example
    • reference link / Finalizing the Cordova Exhibition app
  • jQuery Mobile page parameters plugin
    • URL / View controller


  • Karma
    • URL / Automating tests using Karma
    • about / Automating tests using Karma
    • using, with Jasmine / Automating tests using Karma
    • installing / Installing Karma
    • configuring / Karma configuration
    • used, for running Jasmine tests / Running tests (on mobile devices)
    • XML JUnit report, generating / Generating XML JUnit and code coverage reports
    • code coverage report, generating / Generating XML JUnit and code coverage reports
    • tests, integrating with CI tools / Integrating tests with the CI tools
    • tests, integrating with Jenkins / Integrating tests with the CI tools
  • Karma coverage plugin
    • URL / Generating XML JUnit and code coverage reports
    • installing / Generating XML JUnit and code coverage reports
  • Karma JUnit reporter plugin
    • URL / Generating XML JUnit and code coverage reports
    • installing / Generating XML JUnit and code coverage reports


  • low-level virtual machine (LLVM) / Configuring iOS development environment


  • Media API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • MediaManager
    • about / API
    • startRecording(callback) method / API
    • stopRecording() method / API
    • playVoice(filePath, callback) method / API
    • recordVoiceExternally(callback) method / API
    • cleanUpResources() method / API
  • MediaManager.js
    • about / API
  • Media object
    • reference link / API
  • Media object constructor
    • about / Recording and playing the audio files back
    • src parameter / Recording and playing the audio files back
    • mediaSuccess parameter / Recording and playing the audio files back, API
    • mediaError parameter / Recording and playing the audio files back, API
    • Src parameter / API
    • mediaStatus parameter / API
  • media plugin, Cordova Exhibition plugin
    • about / Media, file, and capture
    • demo / Demo
    • HTML page / The HTML page
    • view controller / View controller
    • API / API
  • Mega App
    • specification/wireframes / Mega App specification/wireframes
    • preparing / Preparing for the Mega App
    • architecture / The Mega App architecture
    • iOS app's Sandbox directory / The Mega App architecture
    • www directory / The Mega App architecture
    • js directory / The Mega App architecture
    • API code / The Mega App model and API
    • user interface / The Mega App user interface
    • finalizing / Finalizing Mega App
    • deploying / Deploying and running Mega App
    • running / Deploying and running Mega App
    • improvements / Start contributing to Mega App
  • Mega App API
    • MemoItem object / The Mega App model and API
    • MemoManager method / The Mega App model and API
    • MemoManager object / The Mega App model and API
  • Mega App model
    • about / The Mega App model and API
  • Mega App user interface / The Mega App user interface
  • memoCapture.js / The Mega App user interface
  • MemoItem object
    • id attribute / The Mega App model and API
    • title attribute / The Mega App model and API
    • desc attribute / The Mega App model and API
    • type attribute / The Mega App model and API
    • location attribute / The Mega App model and API
    • Mtime attribute / The Mega App model and API
  • MemoManager object
    • about / The Mega App model and API
    • saveMemo(memoItem) method / The Mega App model and API
    • removeMemo(memoID) method / The Mega App model and API
    • removeAllMemos() method / The Mega App model and API
    • getMemoDetails(memoID) method / The Mega App model and API
    • getMemos() method / The Mega App model and API
  • merges directory, Sound Recorder
    • about / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
  • messageComposeViewController class
    • about / Developing iOS code
    • Controller parameter / Developing iOS code
    • Result parameter / Developing iOS code
  • mobile web application
    • comparing, with hyrbid mobile and native mobile applications / The differences between mobile web, hybrid mobile, and native mobile applications


  • native mobile application
    • comparing, with mobile web and hybrid mobile applications / The differences between mobile web, hybrid mobile, and native mobile applications
  • function
    • cameraSuccess parameter / API
    • cameraError parameter / API
    • cameraOptions parameter / API
  • method
    • captureSuccess parameter / The Mega App model and API
    • capturingCallback.captureError parameter / The Mega App model and API
  • object
    •, cameraError) method / API
  • navigator.compass object
    • navigator.compass.getCurrentHeading (compassSuccess, compassError, compassOptions) method / API
  • navigator.contacts.find() method
    • about / API
    • contactSuccess parameter / API
    • contactError parameter / API
    • contactFields parameter / API
    • contactFindOptions parameter / API
  • navigator.contacts object
    • navigator.contacts.create(properties) method / API
  • navigator.geolocation
    • watchPosition(geolocationSuccess, [geolocationError], [geolocationOptions]) method / API
    • clearWatch(watchID) method / API
  • navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() method
    • about / API
    • geolocationSuccess parameter / API
    • geolocationError parameter / API
    • geolocationOptions parameter / API
  • navigator.globalization.getLocaleName() method
    • about / API
    • successCallback parameter / API
    • errorCallback parameter / API
  • navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage() method
    • successCallback parameter / API
    • errorCallback parameter / API
  • navigator.globalization method
    • reference link / API
  • Node.js
    • URL / Installing Apache Cordova
  • node package manager (npm)
    • about / Installing Apache Cordova
  • Node Version Manager (NVM)
    • URL / Installing Karma
  • notification.js
    • about / View controller
  • Notification API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • NotificationManager
    • about / API
    • showAlert() method / API
    • showConfirm() method / API
    • showPrompt() method / API
    • beep(times) method / API
    • vibrate(milliseconds) method / API
  • NotificationManager.js
    • about / API
  • notification plugin
    • about / Notification
    • demo / Demo
    • HTML page / The HTML page
    • view controller / View controller
    • API / API


  • onDeviceReady() method
    • about / An insight into the www files
  • OpenWeatherMap
    • URL / An overview of the weather application
  • openWindow(url) method
    • about / API
    • url parameter / API
    • target parameter / API
    • options parameter / API
  • options attributes, captureAudio() method
    • limit / API
    • duration / API


  • <platform> element
    • about / Plugin definition
    • <source-file> / Plugin definition
    • <config-file> / Plugin definition
    • <framework> / Plugin definition
  • <platform> elements
    • Android (<platform name= / Plugin definition
    • iOS (<platform name= / Plugin definition
    • Windows Phone 8 (<platform name= / Plugin definition
  • <plugin> elements
    • about / Plugin definition
    • <name> / Plugin definition
    • <description> / Plugin definition
    • <licence> / Plugin definition
    • <keywords> / Plugin definition
    • <js-module> / Plugin definition
  • PhantomJS
    • URL / Integrating tests with the CI tools
  • platforms directory, Sound Recorder
    • about / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
  • playSound(filePath, playCallback) function
    • about / Recording and playing the audio files back
  • playVoice(filePath, playCallback) method / The Mega App model and API
  • plugin.xml file
    • about / Using plugman, Plugin definition
    • xmlns attribute / Plugin definition
    • id attribute / Plugin definition
    • version attribute / Plugin definition
  • plugins directory, Sound Recorder
    • about / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
  • plugman
    • about / Using plugman
    • using / Using plugman
  • Position object
    • about / API
    • coords attribute / API
    • timestamp attribute / API


  • receivedEvent() method
    • about / An insight into the www files
  • recordVoice() function / Recording and playing the audio files back


  • sendSMS() code / Developing Android code
  • sendSMS() method / Developing Android code
  • showAlert() method
    • about / API
    • message parameter / API
    • Callback parameter / API
    • Title parameter / API
    • buttonName parameter / API
  • showConfirm() method
    • about / API
    • message parameter / API
    • callback(index) parameter / API
    • title parameter / API
    • buttonLabels parameter / API
  • showPrompt() method
    • Message parameter / API
    • promptCallback(results) parameter / API
    • title parameter / API
    • buttonLabels parameter / API
    • defaultText parameter / API
  • Signum function
    • about / Writing your first Jasmine test
  • SimpleMath object
    • about / Writing your first Jasmine test
  • sms.sendMessage method
    • about / Developing a custom Cordova plugin
    • messageInfo parameter / Developing a custom Cordova plugin
    • successCallback parameter / Developing a custom Cordova plugin
    • errorCallback parameter / Developing a custom Cordova plugin
  • sms.sendTextMessage() method
    • about / Developing Android code
    • destinationAddress parameter / Developing Android code
    • scAddress parameter / Developing Android code
    • text parameter / Developing Android code
    • sentIntent parameter / Developing Android code
    • deliveryIntent parameter / Developing Android code
  • smsExport object
    • sendMessage method / Defining the plugin's JavaScript interface
  • SmsManager
    • about / Developing Android code
  • SmsManager.getDefault()
    • about / Developing Android code
  • Sound Recorder
    • initial code, generating / Generating our Sound Recorder's initial code
    • initial structure / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • www directory / The Sound Recorder's initial structure, An insight into the www files
    • config.xml directory / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • platforms directory / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • plugins directory / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • merges directory / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • hooks directory / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
  • Sound Recorder application
    • developing / Developing Sound Recorder application
    • functionality / Sound Recorder functionality
    • preparation / Sound Recorder preparation
    • details / Sound Recorder details
    • audio files, recording / Recording and playing the audio files back
    • audio files, playing / Recording and playing the audio files back
    • reference link / Recording and playing the audio files back
    • building / Building and running Sound Recorder application
    • running / Building and running Sound Recorder application
    • importing, in Eclipse / Importing the Sound Recorder application in to Eclipse
    • running, on Android device / Running the Sound Recorder application on a real Android device
    • importing, in Xcode / Importing the Sound Recorder application into Xcode
    • running, on iOS device / Running the Sound Recorder application on a real iOS device
    • importing, in Visual Studio / Importing the Sound Recorder application into Visual Studio
    • running, on Windows Phone / Running the Sound Recorder application on a real Windows Phone
  • source-file> element
    • about / Plugin definition
    • src attribute / Plugin definition
    • target-dir attribute / Plugin definition
  • Splashscreen API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs
  • src directory
    • about / Using plugman
  • startRecordingSound(recordingCallback)
    • about / Recording and playing the audio files back
  • startRecordingVoice(recordingCallback) method / The Mega App model and API
  • startWatchAcceleration(callback) method
    • about / API
    • accelerometerSuccess parameter / API
    • accelerometerError parameter / API
    • accelerometerOptions parameter / API
  • startWatchHeading(callback) method
    • about / API
    • compassSuccess(heading) parameter / API
    • compassError parameter / API
    • compassOptions parameter / API
  • stopRecord() function / Recording and playing the audio files back
  • stopRecordingSound() function
    • about / Recording and playing the audio files back
  • stopRecordingVoice() method / The Mega App model and API
  • stopWatchAcceleration(watchID) method
    • about / API
    • watchID parameter / API
  • stopWatchHeading(watchID) method
    • about / API
    • watchID parameter / API
  • storage.js
    • about / View controller
  • Storage API
    • about / Overview of Cordova APIs, Storage
    • demo / Demo
    • HTML page / The HTML page
    • view controller / View controller
    • StorageManager.js / API
  • StorageManager
    • about / API
    • set(key, value) method / API
    • get(key) method / API
  • StorageManager.js
    • about / API
  • sudo command / Installing Apache Cordova
  • synchronous code tests
    • developing / Developing synchronous code tests


  • tap / View controller, The Mega App user interface
  • target platform SDK
    • URL / Installing Apache Cordova


  • Unique Identifier (UDID) / Running the Sound Recorder application on a real iOS device
  • Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) / API
  • updateMemoList() method / The Mega App user interface
  • UserService
    • about / An overview of the weather application
  • UserService object
    • saveUser(user) method / An overview of the weather application
    • getUser() method / An overview of the weather application


  • vibrate(milliseconds) method
    • about / API
  • Visual Studio
    • Sound Recorder application, importing in / Importing the Sound Recorder application into Visual Studio


  • W3C IndexedDB specification
    • reference link / API
  • W3C Web Storage specification
    • reference link / API
  • weather application / An overview of the weather application
    • overview / An overview of the weather application
    • creating / An overview of the weather application
    • code structure / An overview of the weather application
    • www directory / An overview of the weather application
    • js directory / An overview of the weather application
    • index.html file / An overview of the weather application
    • weather.js / An overview of the weather application
  • WeatherService
    • about / An overview of the weather application
  • weatherService.getWeatherInfo() method
    • locationText parameter / Developing asynchronous code tests
    • successCallback parameter / Developing asynchronous code tests
    • errorCallback parameter / Developing asynchronous code tests
  • Web SQL Database specification
    • reference link / API
  • window.localStorage.setItem() method
    • about / An overview of the weather application
    • USER_KEY parameter / An overview of the weather application
    • JSON.stringify(user) parameter / An overview of the weather application
  • window.requestFileSystem method
    • about / API
    • type parameter / API
    • Size parameter / API
    • successCallback parameter / API
    • errorCallback parameter / API
  • window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL method
    • uri parameter / API
    • successCallback parameter / API
    • errorCallback parameter / API
  • Windows Phone 8 code, custom Cordova plugin
    • developing / Developing Windows Phone 8 code
  • Windows Phone development environment
    • configuring / Configuring the Windows Phone development environment
    • Sound Recorder application, importing in Visual Studio / Importing the Sound Recorder application into Visual Studio
    • Sound Recorder application, running on Windows Phone / Running the Sound Recorder application on a real Windows Phone
  • Windows Phone SDK 8.0
    • download link / Configuring the Windows Phone development environment
  • wrapper
    • about / View controller
  • www directory
    • about / Using plugman
  • www directory, Cordova Exhibition app
    • about / The Cordova Exhibition app structure
    • css directory / The Cordova Exhibition app structure
    • img directory / The Cordova Exhibition app structure
    • jqueryMobile directory / The Cordova Exhibition app structure
    • js directory / The Cordova Exhibition app structure
    • api directory / The Cordova Exhibition app structure
    • vc directory / The Cordova Exhibition app structure
  • www directory, Mega App
    • about / The Mega App architecture
    • css / The Mega App architecture
    • jqueryMobile / The Mega App architecture
    • js / The Mega App architecture
    • api / The Mega App architecture
    • model / The Mega App architecture
    • vc / The Mega App architecture
  • www directory, Sound Recorder
    • css directory / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • js directory / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • img directory / The Sound Recorder's initial structure
    • about / An insight into the www files
    • index.html file / An insight into the www files
    • index.js file / An insight into the www files
    • index.css / An insight into the www files
  • www directory, weather application
    • about / An overview of the weather application
    • css / An overview of the weather application
    • jqueryMobile / An overview of the weather application
    • js / An overview of the weather application
    • api / An overview of the weather application
    • vc / An overview of the weather application
    • tests / An overview of the weather application


  • Xcode
    • about / Configuring iOS development environment
    • downloading / Configuring iOS development environment
    • Sound Recorder application, importing in / Importing the Sound Recorder application into Xcode
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