If you are a Java programmer, you must have worked with arrays. Arrays are the basic storage mechanisms available for a sequence of data. The best thing about arrays is that the elements of an array are collocated sequentially and can be accessed completely and randomly with single instructions.
The traversal of an array element by an element is very simple. Since any element can be accessed randomly, you just keep incrementing an index and keep accessing the element at this index. The following code shows both traversal and random access in an array:
public static void printAllElements(int[] anIntArray){ for(int i=0;i<anIntArray.length;i++){ System.out.println(anIntArray[i]); } }
Insertion of elements in an array
All the elements in an array are stored in contiguous memory. This makes it possible to access any element in a constant amount of time. A program simply needs to compute the offset that corresponds to an index, and it reads the information...