Configuring MicroK8s to use its built-in registry
By minimizing the time spent on uploading and downloading Docker images, having a private Docker registry can help you to be more productive. The registry that comes with MicroK8s is hosted inside a Kubernetes cluster and is accessible as a NodePort
service on the localhost's port 32000
Important Note
You should be aware that this registry is not secured and will need additional steps to limit access from outside (in the case of production scenarios).
The first step is to enable the built-in registry using the following command:
Figure 2.24 – Enable the registry
As you can see, the registry add-on has been set up with a 40 Gi persistent volume claim for storing images. Please note that the storage add-on is also enabled along with the registry to enable storage claims.
Now that we have the registry set up, our next step is to tag the image and push it into the built-in registry: