The Fedora Project
The Fedora Project has been mentioned briefly in the earlier sections but we will spend some time discussing the relationship between OpenShift and the Fedora Project. We will also cover their relationship with a broader community of contributors or potential contributors around the world. Contributors in this sense are those who participate in open source to help advance Free/Libre open source software and innovate it more rapidly in a collaborative manner. The Fedora Project aims to be a central hub in which like-minded developers, technologists, enthusiasts, designers, technical writers, makers, innovators, thinkers, and general fans can come together and help one another foster an environment in which open source software can flourish. The Fedora Project is a community-powered and governed project that is sponsored by Red Hat Inc. The Fedora Project members power a large number of community subprojects in the realm of documentation, design, technical evangelists (known...