Chapter 11. Continuous Integration
In this chapter, we describe how you can release your DSL implementation by creating an Eclipse update site, also known as p2 repository. In this way, others can install it in Eclipse. The Xtext project wizard can create a project for such an update site. Moreover, Xtext can create the infrastructure for building with Maven/Tycho. This will allow you to build and test your DSL implementation on a continuous integration server. We will also show how to get a web application with a web editor for your DSL; the Xtext project wizard will generate it and reuse most of the components you develop for your DSL. Finally, your DSL implementation can be easily ported to IntelliJ; to this aim, Xtext generates the infrastructure for building with Gradle, a build system alternative to Maven.
This chapter will cover the following topics:
- How to create an update site for your DSL
- Some general concepts about release engineering and continuous integration
- How to build...