Help options
When using Modeler, at some point we are going to need help. Modeler provides various help options.
Help menu
The most intuitive way to get help is to use the Help
menu. As seen in the following figure, the Help
menu provides several options:

Help Topics
takes you to theHelp System
, where you can search for various topicsCRISP-DM Help
provides an introduction to the CRISP-DM methodologyApplication Examples
offers a variety of real-life examples of using common data mining techniques for data preparation and modelingAccessibility Help
informs users about keyboard alternatives to using the mouseWhat's This
changes the cursor into a question mark and provides information about any Modeler item you select
Dialog help
Perhaps the most useful help option is to use context sensitive help, which is available in whatever dialog box you are currently working on. For example, let's say that you are using the Var. File
node and you either did not know how to use this node or you were unfamiliar...