Reality check
Several features of the BookManager application have been developed by the team for Sprint 1. We will now use the Ant build file for the application to generate the runtime artifacts and deploy it to a standard Servlet container. In our case, we will use Tomcat as the application server. In Chapter 3, we deployed the BookManager application from the subversion control system into Rational Team Concert Team source control. Since then, several features were introduced for Sprint 1:
Non-admin users will not be able to delete books
Admin user will be able to export the available books in XML or CSV format
Application has an About dialog that shows the build ID
Application has a special icon
Sprint 2 will focus on the documentation, code quality, and build system. We will define and run the build system in Sprint 2 (which will be covered in the next chapter).
Let us build, deploy, and run the application. We will need to initially use the admin utility of the BookManager application to...