In this chapter, you have learned how to configure Nuxt with a server-side framework, which is Koa in this book. You have installed Koa with the dependencies that we need to create an API. And then you used asyncData and Axios to query and fetch the data from the API. Also, you learned about the properties in the Nuxt context that you can destructure and access from the asyncData method, such as params, query, req, res, and error. Last but not least, you started using Backpack as a minimalist build tool in your apps.
In the next chapter, you will learn how to set up MongoDB and write some basic MongoDB queries, how to add data to a MongoDB database, how to integrate it with the server-side framework, Koa, which you have just learned about in this chapter, and then, finally, how to integrate it with Nuxt pages. We will guide you through everything that you will have to learn in order to make a more complete API. So, stayed tuned.