As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
activation function 213
AdaBoost 199
adaptive boosting classifier 199, 200
algorithm settings
crossover operator 70, 71
experimenting with 68
mutation operator 72-74
population size and number of generations 68-70
selection operator 74
Amazon EC2 323
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 323
ant colony optimization (ACO) 377
API Gateway 324
architecture optimization, with hyperparameter tuning
classifier’s accuracy, evaluating 223, 224
combining 222
solution representation 223
artificial immune systems (AIS) 378
artificial intelligence (AI) 248, 270
causality 271
counterfactuals 271
genetic algorithms, in counterfactuals 271
German Credit Risk dataset 272-274
artificial life (ALife) 378, 379
artificial life (ALife) branches