- What are the characteristics of RESTful applications?
While a RESTful application is understood as a web interface that makes URIs into object representations and manipulates them through HTTP methods (and normally formats the requests with JSON), the textbook characteristics of a REST architecture are as follows:
- Uniform interface
- Client-server
- Stateless
- Cacheable
- Layered system
- Code on demand (optional)
You can find out more about the REST architecture at https://restfulapi.net/.
- What are the advantages of using Flask-RESTPlus?
Some of the advantages of using Flask-RESTPlus are as follows:
- Automatic Swagger generation.
- A framework that can define and parse inputs and marshal outputs.
- It allows us to structure the code in namespaces.
- What are some alternatives to Flask-RESTPlus?
Other alternatives include Flask-RESTful (this is similar to Flask-RESTPlus,...