Getting started with Git and GitHub
So, what’s Git?
Imagine a lively digital city where code serves as the foundation and versions act as significant points of reference. In this city, Git acts as your reliable companion, a mystical journal documenting each step of your coding adventure, whether you’re constructing, revising, or occasionally removing code structures:

Figure 1.7 – Git as a lively digital city
Now, why would a developer need such a record?
Imagine working on a digital sculpture, adding pieces, when suddenly, another piece falls off! Panic sets in as you realize that the work you did a day ago is now damaged. Here’s where Git jumps in like a time-traveling machine. With a swift motion, Git turns back the hands of time, and your work is restored!
How does GitHub fit into this journey?
Now, let’s investigate the ecosystem of GitHub, a lively metropolis where developers from every corner of the...