Creating your own tasks
In this section, we shall explore the creation of Grunt tasks in more detail, specifically normal tasks and multitasks, and asynchronous tasks.
As exemplified previously, creating tasks is extremely simple. We provide a name and a function to grunt.registerTask and we're ready to execute. Tasks (as opposed to multitasks) are best suited to build processes that will only be performed once in a given build. A real world example of such a process might be to update a deployment log file, which we could run whenever we deploy, providing a simple history of deployments for future reference. This task might look like:
//Code example 01-deploy-log-task var fs = require('fs'); module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.registerTask('log-deploy', function() { var message = 'Deployment on ' + new Date(); fs.appendFileSync('deploy.log', message + '\n'); grunt.log.writeln('Appended "' + message + '"'); }); };
See the Node.js API documentation for more information...