Implementing event delegate communication across UE5
The other form of anonymous communication is the event delegate. Delegates are essentially function pointers that allow us to change the flow of logic dynamically at runtime. When invoked, they allow a signal to be sent to potentially several other parts of a program, without the sender knowing where the signal has gone. Using these as part of an event-driven approach is called an event delegate.
Event delegates can be compared to a radio station. The delegate exists as the station, transmitting a signal into the air when it is told to. Then, there are radios that can choose to subscribe to the station, receiving the signal. This forms a one-to-many relationship, with one-way communication. The radios cannot send messages back to the station, and the station does not know how many radios are tuned in.
Like when we explored interfaces, let’s begin with the Blueprint implementation before moving on to the more complex...