Securing the Application
In this chapter, we’ll implement a security layer based on JSON Web Token (JWT), pronounced “jot,” to protect the HTTP API we developed in Chapter 3, Creating the HTTP API. We’ll start by learning about Quarkus security and its JWT-related extensions. We will also add the required dependencies and learn about what each of them provides. After that, we’ll implement the security for our task manager application. We’ll generate and configure the required key files, create an authentication and authorization service, and protect the HTTP endpoints.
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to provide a security layer for your Quarkus application based on JWT. You should also have a basic understanding of the Quarkus security module and how to generate your own JWTs.
We will be covering the following topics in this chapter:
- Using JWT security in Quarkus
- Implementing the task manager’s HTTP API...