- $accountcode variable / Adding prefixes to dial strings
- @all_fields array / There's more...
- absolute_codec_string / How it works...
- accountcode parameter / File names and locations
- add_user script / Getting ready, Getting ready, How it works..., Regular expressions with Regexp::Assemble
- add_users script / There's more...
- anti-action tags / There's more...
- api() method / There's more...
- asterisk template / CDR CSV templates
- audio devices
- connecting, with PortAudio / Connecting audio devices with PortAudio, How to do it..., How it works...
- backend database
- CDRs, inserting / Inserting CDRs into a backend database, Getting ready, How it works...
- BACKGROUND_JOB event / How it works..., There's more...
- bgapi() method / There's more..., Launching a call with an inbound event socket connection
- bgapi command / How it works...
- bgapi status command / There's more...
- bind_meta_app dialplan application / The features context
- B leg, XML CDRs
- logging / Logging the B leg
- bridge application / How it works...
- versus originate command / Getting ready
- bridge command / How to do it..., How it works..., How to do it...
- $chan_call_state variable / How it works...
- $chan_leg variable / How it works...
- $chan_name variable / How it works...
- $chan_state variable / How it works...
- $con object / How it works...
- $con variable / How it works...
- <condition> tag / How to do it...
- call
- launching, inbound event socket connection used / Launching a call with an inbound event socket connection
- controlling, ESL connection object used / Using the ESL connection object for call control, How to do it..., How it works...
- caller ID / Caller ID
- caller_id_number / There's more...
- calls
- recording / Recording calls, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- call_timeout variable / Handling no answer conditions
- cdr parameter / How it works...
- CDRs
- about / Introduction
- inserting, into backend database / Inserting CDRs into a backend database, Getting ready, How it works...
- handling, event socket used / Using the event socket to handle CDRs, How it works...
- Cepstral / Configuration file examples
- cgi-bin directory / How to do it...
- CHANNEL_EXECUTE event / How it works...
- CHANNEL_HANGUP_COMPLETE event / How it works...
- Codec configuration
- about / Codec configuration, Getting ready, How it works..., There's more...
- command-line options
- about / Useful command line options
- company directory
- about / Company directory, How to do it..., There's more...
- conferences
- creating / Creating conferences, There's more...
- caller controls / Caller controls
- conference moderator and PIN / Conference moderator and PIN
- contexts, FreeSWITCH configuration
- default / Important dialplan contexts in the default configuration
- public / Important dialplan contexts in the default configuration
- features / Important dialplan contexts in the default configuration
- customizing / Customizing context
- cron job / There's more...
- about / Introduction
- using / Using CSV CDRs, How to do it..., There's more...
- legs option / Other options
- default-template parameter / CDR CSV templates
- templates / CDR CSV templates
- asterisk template / CDR CSV templates
- day of week setup extension / How it works...
- day_part dialplan / How to do it...
- default-template parameter / CDR CSV templates
- default context
- about / The default context
- destination_number / How it works..., How it works...
- destination_number field / Regular expressions, How it works...
- destination_out_of_order condition / Handling busy and other failure conditions
- dialplan
- about / Introduction
- contexts / Introduction
- extensions / Introduction
- actions / Introduction
- regular expressions / Introduction
- dialplan extension / Getting ready
- DID calls
- incoming / Incoming DID calls, How it works...
- DID numbers / Incoming DID calls
- directory-exten-visible / There's more...
- directory-visible / There's more...
- directory_full_name variable set / How to do it...
- domain_name channel variable / How it works...
- DTMF event / How it works..., How it works...
- $e event object / How it works...
- effective_caller_id_name variable / How it works...
- effective_caller_id_name variable set / How to do it...
- else block / How it works...
- enterprise originate / Advanced multiple endpoint calling with enterprise originate
- ep_codec_string variable / There's more...
- about / Getting ready, Introduction
- considerations / ESL considerations
- languages supported / Introduction
- setting up / Setting up the event socket library, How to do it...
- Debian / Debian
- Red Hat Linux / Red Hat
- make install command / How it works...
- ESL$$ESLconnection object / How it works..., There's more...
- ESL$$ESLconnection object class / How it works...
- ESL$$IVR Perl module / Using fs_ivrd to manage outbound connections
- ESL connection object
- using, to control call / Using the ESL connection object for call control, How to do it..., How it works...
- while loop / How it works...
- play_and_get_digits application / How it works...
- mod_xml_rpc module / Getting ready
- help command / How it works...
- events
- viewing / Viewing events
- filtering / Filtering events
- CHANNEL_HANGUP_COMPLETE event / How it works...
- CHANNEL_EXECUTE event / How it works...
- $con variable / How it works...
- $e event object / How it works...
- CHANNEL_STATE event / How it works...
- event socket
- using, to handle CDRs / Using the event socket to handle CDRs, How it works...
- execute method / How it works...
- execute_extension / How it works...
- execute_on_fax_detect channel variable / Detecting a fax machine and responding
- export application / There's more...
- extensions / Introduction
- external phone numbers / Incoming DID calls
- $fd variable / How it works...
- @fields list / There's more...
- fax
- sending / Sending faxes, How to do it...
- machine, detecting / Detecting a fax machine and responding
- issues, diagnosing / Diagnosing fax issues
- receiving / Receiving faxes, There's more...
- transmission, steps / How to do it...
- reception, steps / How to do it...
- inbound faxes, detecting / Detecting inbound faxes
- received fax, processing / Processing a received fax
- fax_receive extension / How it works...
- features context
- about / The features context
- Festival / Configuration file examples
- FOSS / Helpful software
- routing calls / Introduction
- PCRE / Regular expressions
- about / Introduction
- SIP phone, configuring / Configuring a SIP phone to register with FreeSWITCH, How to do it..., How it works...
- using, as softphone / Using FreeSWITCH as a softphone, How to do it..., There's more..., See also
- events / Filtering events
- users, creating / Creating users, How it works..., Regular expressions with Regexp::Assemble
- company directory / Company directory, How to do it..., There's more...
- XML IVR menus, creating / Creating XML IVR menus, How to do it..., There's more...
- MOH / Music on hold
- conferences, creating / Creating conferences, There's more...
- fax, sending / Sending faxes, Getting ready
- fax machine, detecting / Detecting a fax machine and responding
- fax, receiving / Receiving faxes
- calls, recording / Recording calls, How to do it..., There's more...
- freeswitch-contrib git repository
- URL / There's more...
- FreeSWITCH configuration, contexts
- default / Important dialplan contexts in the default configuration
- public / Important dialplan contexts in the default configuration
- features / Important dialplan contexts in the default configuration
- FreeSWITCH wiki
- URL / There's more...
- FSClient / There's more...
- fscomm directory / There's more...
- fsctl send_sighup command / How to do it...
- fs_cli command / There's more...
- fs_cli interface
- about / Getting familiar with the fs_cli interface, There's more...
- fs_cli program
- command-line options / Useful command line options
- online documentation, URL / Useful command line options
- fs_cli session / There's more...
- fs_ivrd module / Using fs_ivrd to manage outbound connections
- fs_ivrd script / How to do it...
- fs_ivrd tool
- using, to manage outbound connections / Using fs_ivrd to manage outbound connections, How to do it..., How it works...
- getBody() method / How it works...
- getHeader() method / There's more..., There's more...
- Ghost Script executable (gs) / Helpful software
- Google Voice
- configuring / Configuring Google Voice, How to do it...
- gosub statement / How it works...
- goto statement / How it works...
- -H option / Useful command line options
- hangup_complete_with_xml channel variable / Receiving XML CDRs
- help command / Important commands for listing information, How it works...
- HTTP POST action / Using a web server to handle XML CDRs
- $info object / How it works...
- @i / How it works...
- if statement / How it works...
- ignore_early_media / How it works..., How it works...
- inbound-late-negotiation parameter / How it works...
- inbound event socket connection
- creating / Establishing an inbound event socket connection
- fs_cli utility / Establishing an inbound event socket connection
- status command / How to do it...
- script / How it works...
- getBody() method / How it works...
- api() method / There's more...
- bgapi() method / There's more..., Launching a call with an inbound event socket connection
- used, for launching call / Launching a call with an inbound event socket connection
- $stay_connected variable / How it works...
- recvEventTimed / How it works...
- $e variable / How it works...
- else block / How it works...
- if statement / How it works...
- BACKGROUND_JOB event / How it works..., There's more...
- include path / How it works...
- INFO log level / Regular expressions
- inherit_codec / How it works...
- INSERT statements / How it works...
- internal calls
- about / Internal calls, How to do it..., How it works...
- ivr application / There's more...
- script / How it works...
- ivr_path channel variable / How it works...
- /log 6 command / Important commands for listing information
- /log 7 command / Important commands for listing information
- legs option / Other options
- leg_timeout parameter / There's more...
- leg_timeout variable / Handling no answer conditions
- live calls
- with telecast / Listening to live calls with telecast, How to do it..., How it works...
- Local_Extension / The default context, How it works...
- Local_Extension entry / How to do it...
- local_stream module / There's more...
- log-dir parameter / File names and locations
- log application / Regular expressions
- Loquendo / Configuration file examples
- <match> node / How it works...
- make command / How it works...
- make install command / How it works...
- mod_cdr_csv sql template / How it works...
- Mod_dingaling / Configuring Google Voice
- mod_event_socket / Getting ready
- mod_portaudio module / Getting ready
- mod_sofia module / Getting ready
- mod_tts_commandline
- TFS with / Advanced text-to-speech with mod_tts_commandline, How to do it...
- mod_xml_cdr / Introduction
- mod_xml_rpc module / Getting ready, How it works...
- XML RPC / The "XML RPC" In mod_xml_rpc
- about / Music on hold, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- MTA / There's more..., Processing a received fax
- multiple endpoints
- ringing, simultaneously / Ringing multiple endpoints simultaneously, How it works..., There's more...
- ringing, sequentially (simple failover) / Ringing multiple endpoints sequentially (simple failover), How it works...
- failure conditions, handling / Handling busy and other failure conditions
- busy failure conditions, handling / Handling busy and other failure conditions
- no answer conditions, handling / Handling no answer conditions
- individual bridge calls, using / Using individual bridge calls
- calling, with enterprise originate / Advanced multiple endpoint calling with enterprise originate, Getting ready, How it works...
- variables, setting / Setting variables
- myevents command / How it works...
- /noevents command / Viewing events
- <nomatch> node / How it works...
- NANPA / There's more...
- Nokia's QT library
- URL / There's more...
- office_status dialplan / How to do it...
- OPTIONS ping setting / Monitoring gateways
- originate command / How to do it..., There's more...
- versus bridge application / Getting ready
- originate_continue_on_timeout variable / Handling no answer conditions
- originate_timeout variable / Handling no answer conditions
- our_sip_provider / Outgoing calls, How it works...
- our_sip_provider.gateway / There's more...
- our_sip_provider2 gateway / There's more...
- outbound connections
- managing, fs_ivrd tool used / Using fs_ivrd to manage outbound connections, How to do it..., How it works...
- ivr_path channel variable / How it works...
- script / How it works...
- $con object / How it works...
- outbound event socket connection
- establishing / Establishing an outbound event socket connection
- reloadxml command / How to do it...
- $fd variable / How it works...
- $info object / How it works...
- sendRecv command / How it works...
- outgoing calls
- about / Outgoing calls, There's more...
- -P option / Useful command line options
- pa call command / How to do it...
- pa hangup command / How to do it...
- about / Introduction
- about / Regular expressions
- phase macros
- creating, steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- phrase macros
- using, to build sound prompts / Using phrase macros to build sound prompts
- play_and_get_digits application / How it works...
- PortAudio
- used, for connecting audio devices / Connecting audio devices with PortAudio, How to do it..., How it works...
- controlling / Controlling PortAudio
- portaudio channel / There's more...
- prefix-a-leg parameter / File names and locations
- public context
- about / The public context
- -r option / Useful command line options
- record_session application / How to do it..., How it works...
- recvEventTimed / How it works...
- recvEventTimed() method / ESL considerations
- Regexp$$Assemble / Regular expressions with Regexp::Assemble
- regular expressions
- about / Regular expressions
- reload
- versus sofia profile rescan / How to do it...
- reloadxml command / How it works..., How to do it..., How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- resampling / Codec configuration
- ringback variable / Ringback
- routing
- time of day / Time of day routing, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- routing calls
- about / Introduction
- dialplan / Introduction
- ToTopicn header, manipulating on registered endpoints / Manipulating To: headers on registered endpoints to reflect DID numbers, How it works...
- to endpoints / Manipulating To: headers on registered endpoints to reflect DID numbers, How it works...
- $stay_connected variable / How it works...
- sendRecv command / How it works...
- sendRecv method / How it works...
- show calls command / Important commands for listing information
- show channels command / Important commands for listing information
- SIP gateway
- configuring / Configuring a SIP gateway, How to do it...
- SIP phone
- configuring, to register with FreeSWITCH / Configuring a SIP phone to register with FreeSWITCH, How to do it..., How it works...
- caller ID / Caller ID
- context, customizing / Customizing context
- SIT tones / Handling busy and other failure conditions
- URL / Handling busy and other failure conditions
- sleep app / How it works...
- sofia profile rescan
- versus reload / How to do it...
- sofia status command / Important commands for listing information
- sofia status profile internal command / Important commands for listing information
- softphone configuration
- about / Using FreeSWITCH as a softphone, How to do it..., There's more..., See also
- softphone subdirectory / Getting ready
- sound prompts
- building, phrase macros used / Using phrase macros to build sound prompts
- SoX / Modifying the audio stream
- speak dialplan application / How it works...
- status command / How to do it...
- strftime API / How it works...
- tail utility / How to do it...
- telecast
- about / Listening to live calls with telecast, How to do it..., How it works...
- with mod_flite / Basic text-to-speech with mod_flite, How it works...
- with mod_tts_commandline / Advanced text-to-speech with mod_tts_commandline, How to do it...
- audio stream, modifying / Modifying the audio stream
- engines / Other TTS engines
- file examples, configuring / Configuration file examples
- Time of day extension / How it works...
- time of day routing
- about / Time of day routing, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- To
- header / Manipulating To: headers on registered endpoints to reflect DID numbers
- tod channel variable set / There's more...
- tr / How it works...
- transcoding / Codec configuration
- transfer dialplan applications / How it works...
- --users argument / There's more...
- channel / Setting variables
- channel / Setting variables
- channel / Setting variables
- channel / Setting variables
- users
- about / Creating users
- creating, steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- add_user script / How it works...
- reloadxml command / How it works...
- Regular expressions, with Regexp$$Assemble / Regular expressions with Regexp::Assemble
- user_busy condition / Handling busy and other failure conditions
- uuid / Logging the B leg
- uuid_create method / How it works...
- uuid_kill command / How it works...
- <var=val> notation / Setting variables
- voicemail
- about / Accessing voicemail
- accessing, steps / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- main menu options / How it works...
- advanced menu options / How it works...
- voicemail_record_file_check / There's more...
- VoIP connections / Incoming DID calls
- web server
- using, to handle XML CDRs / Using a web server to handle XML CDRs, How it works..., There's more...
- while loop / How it works..., How it works...
- -x option / Useful command line options
- using / Using XML CDRs, How to do it...
- file names and locations / File names and locations
- prefix-a-leg parameter / File names and locations
- log-dir parameter / File names and locations
- B leg, logging / Logging the B leg
- XML dialplan wiki page
- URL / See also
- XML IVR menus
- creating / Creating XML IVR menus, How to do it..., There's more...
- creating, steps / How to do it...
- in mod_xml_rpc module / The "XML RPC" In mod_xml_rpc