Adding conditional seasonalities
Suppose you work for a utility company in a college town and are tasked with forecasting the electricity usage for the coming year. The electricity usage is going to depend on the population of the town to some extent, and as a college town, thousands of students are only temporary residents! How do you set up Prophet to handle this scenario? Conditional seasonalities exist for this purpose.
Conditional seasonalities are those that are, in effect, for only a portion of the dates in the training and future DataFrames. A conditional seasonality must have a cycle that is shorter than the period in which it is active. So, for example, it wouldn’t make sense to have a yearly seasonality that is active for just a few months.
Forecasting electricity usage in the college town would require you to set up either daily or weekly seasonalities – and possibly even both; depending on the usage patterns, one daily/weekly seasonality for the summer...