In this chapter, you took the lessons learned from the basic Mauna Loa
model you built in Chapter 2, Getting Started with Prophet, and learned what changes you need to make when the periodicity of your data is not daily. Specifically, you used the Air Passengers
dataset to model monthly data and used the freq
argument when making your future
DataFrame in order to hold back Prophet from making daily predictions.
Then, you used the hourly data from Divvy’s bike share program to set the future frequency to hourly so that Prophet would increase the granularity of its prediction timescale. Finally, you simulated periodic missing data in the Divvy dataset and learned a different way to match the future
DataFrame’s schedule to that of the training data, in order to prevent Prophet from making unconstrained predictions.
Now that you know how to handle the different datasets you will encounter in this book, you’re ready for the next topic! In the next chapter...